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We’ve published our Operational Plan

Find out about our priorities and actions for 2022-2023


Operational Plan 2022-2023

Today (23 June 2022), we have launched our Operational Plan 2022-2023. The plan outlines the actions we aim to take to achieve our new priorities, which were set in our Strategic Plan 2022-2025.

These are:

  1. We will focus on the quality of healthcare provided to people and communities as they access, use and move between services.
  2. We will adapt our approach to ensure we are responsive to emerging risks to patient safety
  3. We will work collaboratively to drive system and service improvement within healthcare
  4. We will support and develop our workforce to enable them, and the organisation, to deliver our priorities.

This year, we aim to focus on driving and strengthening engagement, improving, and modernising our ways of working and understanding our communities better in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion.

We have set out a varied work programme for the year and we welcome any feedback, so please get in touch if you have any comments on our work or wish to feedback on healthcare services in Wales.