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In Memory of Dr Matthew Sargeant

This week we received the very sad news that our lead Second Opinion Appointed Doctor, Dr Matthew Sargeant has sadly passed away.

Dr Matthew Sargeant

We would like to pay tribute to Matthew who was a leader in his field of psychiatry and highly respected by all his colleagues across Wales and indeed the UK. His contribution to the field of psychiatry has been immeasurable and only matched by his unending commitment to providing exceptional care to the people of Wales. He was a mentor and source of support for many other doctors, who looked to his wealth of experience and expertise for guidance.

Aside from his professional achievements, Matthew was also a dear friend to many of his colleagues and all at Healthcare Inspectorate Wales. We will all miss his commitment, unparalleled work ethic and kindness.

We are very grateful that we were privileged to experience Matthews fantastic work, kindness, and sharp wit first hand. He was committed to his work with HIW and made a difference to so many lives that he touched. His loss has left a space in our team and in our hearts, with the world now a little darker without his presence.

Our thoughts at this time are with Matthew’s wife, family, friends and colleagues who will be feeling his loss so acutely. We send them all our deepest condolences at this time.

Thank you Dr Sargeant, Matthew, Dr Sarg on behalf of all at HIW and the people of Wales for your work and compassionate care, we will miss you and remember you fondly.

Katherine Williams, Director of Clinical Advice and Quality Governance